1by Jaeger, Sara R., Fiszman, Susana, Reis, Felipe, Chheang, Sok L., Kam, Karrie, Pineau, Benedicte, Deliza, Rosires, Ares, Gastón
Published 2017-03artículo bibliotecaIATA ES -
2by Ares, Gastón, Jaeger, Sara R., Bava, Christina M., Chheang, Sok L., Jin, David, Giménez, Ana, Vidal, Leticia, Fiszman, Susana, Varela, Paula
Published 2013-12artículo bibliotecaIATA ES -
3Comparison of two TCATA variants for dynamic sensory characterization of food products Comparison of two TCATA variants for dynamic sensory characterization of food productsby Ares, Gastón, Castura, John C., Antúnez, Lucía, Vidal, Leticia, Giménez, Ana, Coste, Elena Beatriz, Picallo, Alejandra Beatriz, Beresford, Michelle K., Chheang, Sok L., Jaeger, Sara R.Texto bibliotecaUBA FA