1Phosphorus: Proceedings of an FAO-ICRISAT Expert Consultancy Workshop (1, 1994, Patancheru, India). Genetic manipulation of crop plants to enhance integrated nutrient management in... Phosphorus: Proceedings of an FAO-ICRISAT Expert Consultancy Workshop (1, 1994, Patancheru, India). Genetic manipulation of crop plants to enhance integrated nutrient management in...Texto bibliotecaCIAT
2by Scheer, C., Pelster, David E., Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus, Cleemput, O. van, Kanter, D., Winiwarter, W., Ogle, S., Boeckx, P., Fuchs, K., Baggs, Elizabeth M., Bakken, L., Barton, L., Cardenas, L., Clough, T., DelGrosso, S., Dorich, C., Friedl, J., Hu, C., Leitner, Sonja, Massad, R., Peterson, S.O., Skiba, U., Smith, W., Subbarao, G.V., Vogeler, I., Wagner-Riddle, C.
Published 2019-04-16Brief bibliotecaCGIAR