2Conference Proceedings bibliotecaCIMMYT
3GIS analysis of cropping systems : Proceedings of an international workshop on harmonization of databases for GIS analysis of cropping systems in the Asia Region, 18-19 Aug 1997,... GIS analysis of cropping systems : Proceedings of an international workshop on harmonization of databases for GIS analysis of cropping systems in the Asia Region, 18-19 Aug 1997,...Texto bibliotecaCIAT
4International Workshop on Planning and Implementation of On-Farm Chickpea IPM in Nepal (2000, 2000, Kathmandu, Nepal). On-farm IPM of chickpea in Nepal : Proceedings International Workshop on Planning and Implementation of On-Farm Chickpea IPM in Nepal (2000, 2000, Kathmandu, Nepal). On-farm IPM of chickpea in Nepal : ProceedingsTexto bibliotecaCIAT
5GIS application in cropping system analysis : Case studies in Asia: Proceedings of the nternational Workshop on Harmonization of Databases for GIS Analysis of Cropping Systems in... GIS application in cropping system analysis : Case studies in Asia: Proceedings of the nternational Workshop on Harmonization of Databases for GIS Analysis of Cropping Systems in...Texto bibliotecaCIAT
6Phosphorus: Proceedings of an FAO-ICRISAT Expert Consultancy Workshop (1, 1994, Patancheru, India). Genetic manipulation of crop plants to enhance integrated nutrient management in... Phosphorus: Proceedings of an FAO-ICRISAT Expert Consultancy Workshop (1, 1994, Patancheru, India). Genetic manipulation of crop plants to enhance integrated nutrient management in...Texto bibliotecaCIAT
7Achieving high groundnut yields: proceedings of an international workshop, 25-29 August 1995, Laixi, Shandong, China Achieving high groundnut yields: proceedings of an international workshop, 25-29 August 1995, Laixi, Shandong, Chinaby 73336 Gowda, C.L.L., 99362 Nigam, S.N., 81286 Johansen, C., 109912 Renard, C. eds., 9457 ICRISAT, Patancheru (India)
Published 1996bibliotecaIICA -
8Phosphorus nutrition of grain legumes in the semi-arid tropics Phosphorus nutrition of grain legumes in the semi-arid tropicsby 81286 Johansen, C., 85720 Lee, K.K., 114748 Sahrawat, K.L. eds., 12654 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru (India), International Workshop Phosphorus Nutrition of Grain Legumes in the Semi-Arid Tropics Patancheru (India) 8-11 Ene 1990
Published 1991bibliotecaIICA