1Fisheries and research for tunas and tuna-like species in the western central atlantic implications of the agreement for the implementation of the provisions of the united nations... Fisheries and research for tunas and tuna-like species in the western central atlantic implications of the agreement for the implementation of the provisions of the united nations...by Mahon, Robin autor/a
Published 1996Texto bibliotecaECOSUR -
2Presentations bibliotecaONU
4conference_item bibliotecaUNESCO
5conference_item bibliotecaUNESCO
7Digital revistaSCIELO
8by Baldwin, Kimberley, Mahon, Robin, Oxenford, Hazel, Cooke, Alexcia., Gill, David, Staksiewicz, Tanya
Published 2007conference_item bibliotecaUNESCO -
10by McConney, P., Pomery, R., Garbutt, L., Joseph, K., Mahon, Robin, Nightingale, Jack, Parker, C., Pena, M., Simmons, B., Watson, A.
Published 2007conference_item bibliotecaUNESCO