1Book Chapter bibliotecaCGIAR
2Report bibliotecaCGIAR
3Journal Article bibliotecaCGIAR
4Book Chapter bibliotecaCGIAR
5Report bibliotecaCGIAR
6Conference Paper bibliotecaCGIAR
7Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
9by Keller, J., Astley, D., Tsivelikas, A., Engels, J., Lipman, E., Bioversity International
Published 2019-10-15T15:42:16ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
10by Rousseau-Gueutin, Mathieu, Keller, J., Ferreira de Carvalho, Julie, Ainouche, Abdelkader, Martin, Guillaumebook_section bibliotecaCIRAD FR
11by Maggioni, L., Astley, D., Rabinowitch, H., Keller, J., Lipman, E., European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources
Published 1999Working Paper bibliotecaCGIAR -
12by Maggioni, L., Keller, J., Astley, D., European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
Published 2002Conference Proceedings bibliotecaCGIAR -
13by Myszkowska-Ryciak, J., Keller, J.S., Bujko, J., Stankiewicz-Ciupa, J., Koopmanschap, R.E., Schreurs, V.V.A.M.Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
14by Astley, D., Bas, N., Branca, F., Daunay, M.C., Keller, J., van Dooijeweert, W., van Treuren, R., Maggioni, L., Lipman, E.External research report bibliotecaWUR NL
15by Astley, D., Bas, N., Branca, F., Daunay, C., Díez, M.J., Keller, J., Dooijeweert, W. van, Treuren, R. van, Maggioni, L., Lipman, E., Bioversity International
Published 2009Conference Proceedings bibliotecaCGIAR -
16by Keller, J., Rousseau-Gueutin, Mathieu, Martin, Guillaume, Morice, Jérôme, Boutte, Julien, Coissac, E., Ourari, M., Ainouche, Malika Lily, Salmon, Armel, Cabello-Hurtado, F., Ainouche, Abdelkaderarticle bibliotecaCIRAD FR
17by Thomas, G., Astley, D., Boukema, I., Daunay, C., Greco, A. del, Díez, M.J., Dooijeweert, W. van, Keller, J., Kotlińska, T., Lebeda, Aleš, Lipman, E., Maggioni, L., Rosa, E.
Published 2019-10-15T15:44:08ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
18by König, J., Siebenhaar, A., Högenauer, C., Arkkila, P., Nieuwdorp, M., Norén, T., Ponsioen, C.Y., Rosien, U., Rossen, N.G., Satokari, R., Stallmach, A., de Vos, W., Keller, J., Brummer, R.J.Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
19by Maggioni, L., Daunay, Marie-Christine, Dooijeweert, W. van, Astley, D., Bas, N., Branca, F., Díez Niclós, M.J., Geoffriau, E., Keller, J., Kotlińska, T., Smékalová, K., Treuren, R. van, Lipman, E., Bioversity International
Published 2019-10-15T15:42:40ZbibliotecaCGIAR