2Distribution and ecology of wild lettuces Lactuca serriola L. and Lactuca virosa L. in central Chileby Lebeda, Aleš, Křístková, Eva, Khoury, Colin K., Carver, Dan, Sosa, Christian C.
Published 2021-09-23T10:15:53ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
3by Parra, Lorena, Maisonneuve, Brigitte, Lebeda, Ales, Schut, Johan, Christopoulou, Marilena, Jeuken, Marieke, McHale, Leah, Truco, Maria Jose, Crute, Ian, Michelmore, RichardArticle/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
4by Lebeda, Aleš, Křístková, Eva, Kitner, Miloslav, Majeský, Ľuboš, Doležalová, Ivana, Khoury, Colin K., Widrlechner, Mark P., Hu, Jinguo, Carver, Daniel, Achicanoy Estrella, Harold Armando, Sosa, Chrystian C.
Published 2019-10-25T19:19:06ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
5by Thomas, G., Astley, D., Boukema, I., Daunay, C., Greco, A. del, Díez, M.J., Dooijeweert, W. van, Keller, J., Kotlińska, T., Lebeda, Aleš, Lipman, E., Maggioni, L., Rosa, E.
Published 2019-10-15T15:44:08ZbibliotecaCGIAR