2by 45075 Avelino, J., 104582 Perriot, J.J., 74971 Guyot, B., 105442 Pineda, C., 61722 Decazy, F., 57729 Cilas, C.
Published 2002bibliotecaIICA -
3by 45075 Avelino, J., 104582 Perriot, J.J., 74971 Guyot, B., 105442 Pineda, C., 61722 Decazy, F., 57729 Cilas, C.
Published MaybibliotecaIICA -
4by 96910 Moschetto, D., 95332 Montagnon, C., 74971 Guyot, B., 104582 Perriot, J.J., 86193 Leroy, T., 65489 Eskes, A.B.
Published 1996bibliotecaIICA -
5The identification of coffee terroirs in Honduras: characterisation of the environment, crop management and the characteristics of yield The identification of coffee terroirs in Honduras: characterisation of the environment, crop management and the characteristics of yieldby 45075 Avelino, J., 104582 Perriot, J.J., 105442 Pineda, C., 74971 Guyot, B., 57729 Cilas, C., 3180 Association Scientifique Internationale du Cafe, París (Francia), 19. International Scientific Colloquium on Coffee Trieste (Italia) 14-18 May 2001
Published 2001bibliotecaIICA -
6by Villain, Luc, autor 128992, 95004 Molina, A., 118808 Sierra, S., Decazy, B., 43194 Anzueto, F., 74971 Guyot, B., 104582 Perriot, J.J., Sarah, Jean Louis, autor 116326, CATIE - Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza Turrialba, Costa Rica autor/a 3977
Published [200bibliotecaIICA -
7by 129457 Vincent, J.C., 74192 Guenot, M.C., 104582 Perriot, J.J., 74334 Gueule, D., 62429 Dhn, J., 3180 Association Scientifique Internationale du Café, Paris, (Francia), 33926 8. Colloque Scientifique International sur le Café Abidjan (Costa de Marfil) 28 Nov-3 Dic 1977
Published 1979bibliotecaIICA