Regulation of adult education in Greece. Guiding lines of adult education regulation of adult education centres

Following a decision made in 1976 by UNESCO, the Ministry of Education in Greece is attempting to broaden provision of adult education within the framework of lifelong education and to establish continuing education centres as outlined in educational legislation - The seven articles of this text presented as guidelines are based upon concepts of Classical Greece, the Christian ideal and the UNESCO view of adult education as expressed in Nairobi. The guidelines provide a framework within which the various institutions concerned with adult education may cooperate. The text also contains a definition of adult education, the educational goals and educational philosophy underlying it and the provisions for the administration of the act. An introduction to these guidelines traces the history and significance of adult education in Greece.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Greece. Ministry of National Education and Religion. Directorate of Adult Education
Format: book biblioteca
Published: 1977
Subjects:Adult education, Educational legislation, Educational objectives, Educational philosophy, Lifelong learning, UNESCO,
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