Impact evaluation (category III evaluation) of the regional networks of educational innovation for development (subprogramme IV.2.1); implementation of the decisions of the Executive Board adopted on the basis of the recommendations of its Temporary Committee
Executive Board paper containing an evaluation of the impact of UNESCO's five regional networks of educational innovation for development within the context of the Programme and budget for 1986-1987 (document 23 C/5 approved, para. 04206), with a view to obtaining an informed and consolidated statement on the impact of UNESCO's policy to promote national development efforts through the co-operative regional networks interlinking national institutions dealing with educational innovation for development, to ascertain whether such networks have generated visible results and to determine whether they should be continued, expanded, modified or discontinued, concerns the Asia and Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (APEID), the Network of Educational Innovation for Development in Africa (NEIDA), the Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development (CARNEID), the Educational Innovation Programme for Development in the Arab States (EIPDAS), and the Programme of Co-operation in Research and Development of Educational Innovation in South and South-East Europe (CODIESEE), includes the Director-General's comments