Pakistan : Accounting and Auditing
This report is based on an assessment of accounting and auditing practices in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It forms part of a joint initiative between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC). The assessment focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of corporate accounting and auditing practices in Pakistan and involves a review of both mandatory requirements and actual practice. The report consists of policy recommendations to be used as inputs in developing a Country Action Plan. The objectives of these recommendations are to consolidate the prior achievements, improve knowledge base among auditors and the preparers of financial statements, and strengthen the monitoring and enforcement mechanisms for ensuring compliance with applicable standards and codes. The recommendations include improving the capacity of regulators and professional bodies, upgrading accountancy education and training with focus on practical application of International Financial Reporting Standards and International Standards of Auditing, issuing and disseminating implementation guidance on applicable standards, instituting a system for independent oversight of auditing profession, developing simplified reporting requirements for small- and medium-sized enterprises, upgrading the licensing procedure of professional accountants and auditors, and enhancing the delivery of continuing professional education.