Large Mines and the Community : Socioeconomic and Environmental Effects in Latin America, Canada and Spain
The book examines the impacts of medium- and large-scale mines on local communities, through six case studies, analyzing both the socioeconomic and cultural effects, as well as environmental impacts of mining operations on the communities. From a multidimensional perspective, studies investigate mining operations costs, and benefits, with an emphasis on the sustainability of benefits, and the outcomes of the legal, and consultative processes, in an aim to identify best practices - from the stakeholders' perspectives - in the management of mining development, extraction, and closure phases. It is relevant to note the two factors that affected increased globalization of trade markets in recent years: the decline of the communist trading block, and the increased environmental control in developed countries, being mineral activities in developing, and transition countries one of the most notable. Recommendations suggest that mining sustainability can only be maintained with public, and community support for the social, and economic activities of a region, based on valuable comprehensive environmental reviews of mine projects, and articulated with local populations through employment, and services provision. To this end, training strategies for the formation of "semi-technicians" or, a broader technical formation, should prepare a skilled work force, able to make contributions, and as well, be less dependent on one specific economic sector. But, concerted efforts on participatory local development should focus not only on capacity building, but on strengthening local community leadership beyond the lifecycle of a mine.