Philippines : Basic Education Public Expenditure Review
The 2010 Philippines Basic Education Public Expenditure Review (BEPER) provides an overview of public expenditures and outcomes in the basic education sector since 2000. The PER team intends this analysis to assist the Department of Education (DepED) in setting policy priorities and in making decisions on resource allocation, utilization, and management. In this review, we analyze trends in education performance as they relate to the Philippines' Education for All (EFA) goals and the objectives of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA). The analysis traces trends in government spending and their impact on basic education inputs and outcomes. It also examines the equity dimensions of the education outcomes and spending across geographic areas, households of different income levels, and gender. It examine in detail the processes for executing DepED's priority programs such as the provision of new teaching posts, school buildings, furniture, and textbooks, and we identify potential bottlenecks that slow implementation. Although the Government of the Philippines has committed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and EFA goals by 2015, its level of investment in basic education is not sufficient for realizing these commitments. The PER analysis suggests that although the basic education sector needs additional resources for rapidly expanding the supply of key inputs for quality education services, unless efforts are intensified to improve budget execution and even if resources were available, merely increasing allocation would be unlikely to result in actual increases in the larger number of critical inputs and their efficient deployment.