Romania - Functional Review : Ministry of Economy, Energy Sector and Business Environment
The objective of the functional review of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment (MEC) is to analyze its current structure and operations, to provide recommendations so that the Ministry and the Government can improve the delivery of its key functions and respond effectively to the emerging challenges. The focus of the Review was on the Ministry's energy and business environment functions. The coverage of the energy sector review goes beyond the Ministry, into electricity and gas market issues, governance of energy SOEs under MEC, the institutional capacity of the energy regulator ANRE, and the coordination with energy-related functions in other ministries. The coverage of the business environment review similarly goes beyond the Ministry and assesses institutional capacities across the Government - as responsibilities are scattered across the Romanian administration, it was necessary to expand the analysis in order to provide sound policy recommendations to improve the business environment as a key strategy for government action. The draft final report is organized into two main parts, MEC/energy sector and Business Environment.