Soil Use - Hydric Soils database
<p>Hydric soils are defined as those soils that are sufficiently wet in the upper part to develop anaerobic conditions during the growing season. The Hydric Soils section presents the most current information about hydric soils. The lists of hydric soils were created by using National Soil Information System (NASIS) database selection criteria that were developed by the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. These criteria are selected soil properties that are documented in <em>Soil Taxonomy</em> (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) and were designed primarily to generate a list of potentially hydric soils from the National Soil Information System (NASIS) database. It updates information that was previously published in <em>Hydric Soils of the United States</em> and coordinates it with information that has been published in the <em>Federal Register</em>. It also includes the most recent set of field indicators of hydric soils. The database selection criteria are selected soil properties that are documented in Soil Taxonomy and were designed primarily to generate a list of potentially hydric soils from soil survey databases. Only criteria 1, 3, and 4 can be used in the field to determine hydric soils; however, proof of anaerobic conditions must also be obtained for criteria 1, 3, and 4 either through data or best professional judgment (from <em>Tech Note 1</em>). The primary purpose of these selection criteria is to generate a list of soil map unit components that are likely to meet the hydric soil definition. Caution must be used when comparing the list of hydric components to soil survey maps. Many of the soils on the list have ranges in water table depths that allow the soil component to range from hydric to nonhydric depending on the location of the soil within the landscape as described in the map unit. Lists of hydric soils along with soil survey maps are good off-site ancillary tools to assist in wetland determinations, but they are not a substitute for observations made during on-site investigations.</p> <p>The list of field indicators of hydric soils — The field indicators are morphological properties known to be associated with soils that meet the definition of a hydric soil. Presence of one or more field indicators suggests that the processes associated with hydric soil formation have taken place on the site being observed. The field indicators are essential for hydric soil identification because once formed, they persist in the soil during both wet and dry seasonal periods.</p> <p>The Hydric Soil Technical Notes — Contain National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils (NTCHS) updates, insights, standards, and clarifications.</p> <p>Users can query the database by State or by Soil Survey Area.</p> <div><br>Resources in this dataset:</div><br><ul><li><p>Resource Title: Website Pointer to Hydric Soils .</p> <p>File Name: Web Page, url: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </p><p>Includes description of Criteria, Query by State or Soil Survey Area, national Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. Technical Notes, and Related Links. Report Metadata: * Area_Symbol: A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Dane Co., Wisconsin is WI025). * Area_Name: The name given to the specified geographic area. * mukey: A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table. * Mapunit_SYM: The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey. * Mapunit_Name: Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress). * Comp_Name_phase: Component name - Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties. Local Phase - Phase criterion to be used at a local level, in conjunction with "component name" to help identify a soil component. * muacres: The number of acres of a particular mapunit. * Comp_RV_Pct: The percentage of the component of the mapunit. * majcompflag: Indicates whether or not a component is a major component in the mapunit. * Comp_Acres: The number of acres of a particular component in a mapunit. ((muacres*comppct_r)/100) * Comp_Landform: A word or group of words used to name a feature on the earth's surface, expressed in the plural form. Column Physical * Hydric_Rating: A yes/no field that indicates whether or not a map unit component is classified as a "hydric soil". If rated as hydric, the specific criteria met are listed in the Component Hydric Criteria table. * Hydric_criteria: Criterion code for the soil characteristic(s) and/or feature(s) that cause the map unit component to be classified as a "hydric soil." These codes are the paragraph numbers in the hydric soil criteria publication. Criteria: 1. All Histels except Folistels and Histosols except Folists; or 2. Map unit components in Aquic suborders, great groups, or subgroups, Albolls suborder, Historthels great group, Histoturbels great group, or Andic, Cumulic, Pachic, or Vitrandic subgroups that: a. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or b. Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil; 3. Map unit components that are frequently ponded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season that: a. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or b. Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil; or 4. Map unit components that are frequently flooded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season that: a. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or b. Show evidence that the soils meet the definition of a hydric soil. </p></li></ul>
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Format: | Dataset biblioteca |
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Subjects: | Geomatic engineering, Geospatial information systems and geospatial data modelling, Environmental sciences, Soil sciences, Soil sciences not elsewhere classified, soil data, ecological assessment, soil reports, soil maps, |
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