4by Nocillado, J.N., Biran, J., Lee, Y.Y., Levavi-Sivan, B., Mechaly, Alejandro S., Zohar, Y., Elizur, Abigailartículo bibliotecaICM ES
5by 87808 LOVENSTEIN, H., 133474 ZOHAR, Y., 44393 ARONSON, J., 109778 Reifsnyder, W.S., 61238 Darnhofer, T.O., 39486 (eds.), 9447 ICRAF, Nairobi (Kenia), 36016 International Workshop on the Applications of the Meteorology to Agroforestry Systems Planning and Management, Nairobi (Kenia), 9-13 Feb 1987bibliotecaIICA