Sergio Esteban Vélez
Sergio Esteban Vélez Peláez (born 1983) is a Colombian (of Spanish descent) writer, professor and journalist. He won the Premio Nacional de Periodismo Simón Bolívar 2010 (National Journalism Award Simon Bolivar)», the Premio Internacional de Periodismo José María Heredia 2010 (International Journalism Award Jose Maria Heredia 2010).) and the Premio Cipa a la Excelencia Periodística 2012 (Cipa Award). The poet Olga Elena Mattei says that Vélez represents the Andean aspect of the contemporary Colombian poetry. Vélez is a Communicator of the University of Antioquia, Colombia.Born in Medellín, he studied Law and Political Science at the Bolivarian Pontifical University and studied Modern Languages at Sherbrooke University. He collaborates as a weekly columnist in the newspaper ''El Mundo''. He was the creator of the Academia Antioqueña de Letras, with Octavio Arizmendi Posada, former Minister of Education of Colombia.
In 2002 Sergio Esteban Vélez was appointed Cultural Director of the Colegio Altos Estudios de Quirama. Provided by Wikipedia
1Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
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13Article in monograph or in proceedings bibliotecaWUR NL
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17Digital revistaSCIELO
19Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
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