1book part bibliotecaUNESCO
2book part bibliotecaUNESCO
3by Meeting of Experts on African Cultural Influence in Latin America and the Caribbean Zone, Paris, 1972, Santos, Deoscoredes Maximiliano dos, Santos, Juana Elbein dosprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
4by Meeting of Experts on African Cultural Influence in Latin America and the Caribbean Zone, Paris, 1972, Santos, Deoscoredes Maximiliano dos, Santos, Juana Elbein dosprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
5Sobre un plan de investigaciones sobre el terreno para el Programa de Estudios Africa-América Latinaby Meeting of Experts on African Cultural Influence in Latin America and the Caribbean Zone, Paris, 1972, Santos, Deoscoredes Maximiliano dos, Santos, Juana Elbein dosprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO