1Texto bibliotecaUBA FA
3Analítica bibliotecaODEPA
4Analítica bibliotecaODEPA
8Texto bibliotecaUNCO AR
9Numerical Methods [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Caracas, June 14–18, 1982 / Numerical Methods [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Caracas, June 14–18, 1982 /by Pereyra, Victor. author., Reinoza, Alfonso. author., SpringerLink (Online service)
Published 1983Texto bibliotecaCOLPOS -
10Numerical Methods [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Caracas, June 14–18, 1982 / Numerical Methods [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Caracas, June 14–18, 1982 /by Pereyra, Victor. author., Reinoza, Alfonso. author., SpringerLink (Online service)
Published 1983Texto bibliotecaCOLPOS -
11by Murcia,Mónica, Peretti,Anna, San Martino,Silvina, Pérez,Alejandra, del Longo,Olga, Argüello,Juan, Pereyra,Victor
Published 2002Digital revistaSCIELO -
12by Galmarini, Humberto R., Berra, Guillermo, Burba, José Luis, Eyhérabide, Guillermo Hugo, Fernández, R., Franzone, Pascual, Marcó, G., Pereyra, Víctor, Racca, R., Rearte, D., Schlichter, Tomás Miguel, Viglizzo, Ernesto F.
Published 2002Texto bibliotecaUBA FA -
13Calidad de productos agrícolas bases ecofisiológicas, genéticas y de manejo agronómico Calidad de productos agrícolas bases ecofisiológicas, genéticas y de manejo agronómicoby Aguirrezábal, Luis Adolfo Nazareno, Andrade, Fernando Héctor, Uthart, Sergio A., Cirilo, Alfredo Gabriel, Pereyra, Víctor, Weilenmann de Tau, M. Elisabet, Suárez, Juan Carlos, López Camelo, Andrés F., Tognetti, Jorge Alberto
Published c199Texto bibliotecaUBA FA -
14by Galmarini, Humberto Compilador, Eyherabide, Guillermo Redactor, Pereyra, Victor Redeactor, Rearte, Daniel Redactor, Marcó, Guillermo Redactor, Burba, José Luis Redactor, Fernández, Roberto Redactor, Schlichter, Tomás Redactor, Racca, Roberto Redactor, Berra, Guillermo Redactor, Viglizzo, Ernesto Redactor, Franzone, Pascual Redactor
Published 2002software, multimedia bibliotecaUNAM