1Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA
5Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA
91987 International Oil Palm/Palm Oil Conferences. Progress and Prospects : Proceedings. 1987 International Oil Palm/Palm Oil Conferences. Progress and Prospects : Proceedings.by International Oil/Palm/Palm Oil Conferences. Progress and Prospects June 29-July 1, 1987 : Kuala Lumpur : 40948., Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, PORIM 37978.
Published 1988Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
13Proceedings of International Conference on Oil and Kernel Production in Oil Palm - A Global Perspective. Proceedings of International Conference on Oil and Kernel Production in Oil Palm - A Global Perspective.by International Conference on Oil and Kernel production in oil palm. A global perspective September 27-28 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 40203., B.S. Jalani 40401., I.E. Henson 40402., N. Rajanaidu 40403., International Society for Oil Palm Breeders - ISOPB 37879., Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia - PORIM 37978.
Published 1998Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
14by International Conference on Oil and Kernel production in oil palm. A global perspective September 27-28 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 40203., B.S. Jalani 40401., I.E. Henson 40402., N. Rajanaidu 40403., International Society for Oil Palm Breeders - ISOPB 37879., Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia - PORIM 37978.Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA
15by Conferencia Internacional en Avances Agronomicos de Palma de Aceite Septiembre 1-2, 1997 : Cartagena, Colombia : 42950., Bureau for the Development of Research on Tropical Perennial Oil Crops, BUROTROP 42951., Corporación Centro de Investigación en Palma de Aceite, Cenipalma [Colombia] 36971., Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma Africana, Fedepalma [Colombia] 38907., International Society of Oil Palm Agronomists, ISOPA 42952., Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, PORIM 37978.
Published 1999Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
16by Conferencia Internacional en Avances Agronomicos de Palma de Aceite Septiembre 1-2, 1997 : Cartagena, Colombia : 42950., Bureau for the Development of Research on Tropical Perennial Oil Crops, BUROTROP 42951., Corporación Centro de Investigación en Palma de Aceite, Cenipalma [Colombia] 36971., Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma Africana, Fedepalma [Colombia] 38907., International Society of Oil Palm Agronomists, ISOPA 42952., Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, PORIM 37978.Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA