1Conference on Integrated Pest Management in the Asia-Pacific Region (1991, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Integrated pest management in the Asia-Pacific region : Proceedings Conference on Integrated Pest Management in the Asia-Pacific Region (1991, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Integrated pest management in the Asia-Pacific region : ProceedingsTexto bibliotecaCIAT
2by Heinrichs, E.A., Aguda, R.M., Barrion, A.T., Bharathi, M.P., Chelliah, S., Dale, D., Gallagher, K.O., Kiritani, Keizi, Litsinger, J.A., Loevinsohn, Michael E., Naba, K., Ooi, Peter Ann Chuan, Prada T., Orlando, Roberts, Donald Wilson, Rombach, M.C., Shepard, Barclay M., Smith, C.M., Weber, G. (eds.)
Published 1994Texto bibliotecaCIAT