Roger Mead
Roger Mead (1938 – 10 August 2015) was an English statistician and Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics at the University of Reading. He is known for his paper with John Nelder on the widely-used Nelder–Mead method and for his work on statistical methods for agriculture and the design of experiments. He was made an Honorary Life Member of the International Biometric Society in 2014. Provided by Wikipedia-
2The design of experiments : Statistical principles for practical applications The design of experiments : Statistical principles for practical applicationsby Mead, Roger
Published 1988Texto bibliotecaCIAT -
3The design of experiments : Statistical principles for practical applications The design of experiments : Statistical principles for practical applicationsby Mead, Roger
Published 1994Texto bibliotecaCIAT -
5Digital revistaEMBRAPA
6Digital revistaEMBRAPA
7Digital revistaEMBRAPA