Karen Masters
Karen Masters (born 1979) is an Astrophysicist and Full Professor of Astrophysics in Haverford College, Pennsylvania exploring galaxy formation. She is also the project scientist for the citizen science project Galaxy Zoo, and uses the classifications to study the evolution of galaxies. Provided by Wikipedia-
2by Camacho Céspedes, Fabricio, Uribe Lorío, Lidieth, Newcomer, Quint, Masters, Karen, Kinyua, Maureen
Published 2019Digital revistaUNED CR -
3Fitotoxicidad de compost producido con cultivos de microorganismos de montaña y lodos de biodigestorby Camacho Céspedes,Fabricio, Uribe Lorío,Lidieth, Newcomer,Quint, Masters,Karen, Kinyua,Maureen
Published 2019Digital revistaSCIELO -