1by Forum on Science for Peace, Como, Italy, 1996, UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe (Italy), Kouzminov, V., Martellini, M., Santesso, R.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
2by International forum on Illegal Nuclear Traffic: Risks, Safeguards and Countermeasures, Como, Italy, 1997, UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe (Italy), Kouzminov, V., Martellini, M., Santesso, R.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
3by International Forum on Nuclear and Biological Decommissioning: Management of Global Security Threats, Como, Italy, 1997, UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe (Italy), Aslanian, G., Kouzminov, V., Martellini, M.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
4by Energy Security in the Third Millennium: Scientific and Technological Issues, Como, Italy, 1998, UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe (Italy), Landau Network-Centro Volta (Italy), Aslanian, G., Farinelli, U., Kouzminov, V., Martellini, M., Santesso, R.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
5by International Conference on Military Conversion and Science, Utilization/disposal of the Excess Fissile Weapon Materials: Scientifc, Technological and Socio-economic Aspects, Como, Italy, 1996, UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe (Italy), Landau Network Coordination Centre (Italy), Kouzminov, Vladimir, Martellini, M., Santesso, R.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO