4Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
5Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
6Texto bibliotecaECOSUR
9by Malan, Mandy, Carmenta, Rachel, Gsottbauer, Elisabeth, Hofman, Paul, Kontoleon, Andreas, Swinfield, Tom, Voors, MaartenArticle/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
10by Bulte, Erwin, Conteh, Bob, Kontoleon, Andreas, List, John, Mokuwa, Esther, Richards, Paul, Turley, Ty, Voors, MaartenExternal research report bibliotecaWUR NL
11by Chami, Goylette F., Kontoleon, Andreas A., Bulte, Erwin, Fenwick, Alan, Kabatereine, Narcis B., Tukahebwa, Edridah M., Dunne, David W.Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
12by Chami, Goylette F., Kontoleon, Andreas A., Bulte, Erwin, Fenwick, Alan, Kabatereine, Narcis B., Tukahebwa, Edridah M., Dunne, David W.Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
13Econometrics informing natural resources management : selected empirical analyses Econometrics informing natural resources management : selected empirical analysesby 83804 Koundouri, Phoebe, 73981 Groom, Ben (autor/a), 74279 Guerrero García, Hilda (autor/a), 124197 Thomas, Alban (autor/a), 61053 Dalmas, Laurent (autor/a), 110364 Reynaud, Arnaud (autor/a), 70647 García Valiñas, María A. (autor/a), 132751 Yusuf, Arief Anshory (autor/a), 122571 Swanson, Timothy (autor/a), 83665 Kontoleon, Andreas (autor/a)
Published , 20Texto bibliotecaIICA