3book bibliotecaUNESCO
4Digital revistaSCIELO
5Digital revistaSCIELO
6Digital revistaSCIELO
7Digital revistaSCIELO
8Digital revistaSCIELO
9Report bibliotecaBanco Mundial
10Report bibliotecaBanco Mundial
12Digital revistaSCIELO
13Digital revistaSCIELO
14by Meeting of Experts on the Concept of Race, Identity and Dignity, Paris, 1972, Hasan Hyder, Khurshidprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
15by Meeting of Experts on the Concept of Race, Identity and Dignity, Paris, 1972, Hasan Hyder, Khurshidprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
17Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
19by Khurshid, Chrow Ahmed, Mahdi, Karrar, Ahmed, Osamah Ibrahim, Osman, Rima, Rahman, Mostafizur, Ritsema, CoenArticle/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
20by Khurshid,Shazia, Pervaiz,Muhammad, Akhtar,Sareen, Elahi,Shan, Zaidi,Asma, Saeed,Zohaib, Bukhari,Syed Majid
Published 2018Digital revistaSCIELO