International Carbon Action Partnership
The International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) is an international cooperative forum founded in 2007 by more than 15 government representatives. It brings together states and sub-national jurisdictions that have implemented or are planning to implement emissions trading systems (ETS). Then-Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, expressed at ICAP's founding ceremony:''"This first-of-its-kind partnership will provide more incentives for clean-tech investment and economic growth while not letting polluters off the hook. And it will help renew the health of our planet."''
ICAP includes members from various jurisdictions such as the European Union, the Western Climate Initiative (WCI), the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), New Zealand, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It provides a platform for governments to share their practical experiences and the latest knowledge on ETS. Provided by Wikipedia
1Report bibliotecaBanco Mundial
2Technical Paper bibliotecaBanco Mundial
3Handbook bibliotecaBanco Mundial
4by World Bank, International Energy Agency (IEA), International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP)
Published 2024-09-09Report bibliotecaBanco Mundial