2Texto bibliotecaUBA FA
3Texto bibliotecaUNAM AR
4The molecular biology of bacterial growth a symposium held in honor of Ole Maaloe The molecular biology of bacterial growth a symposium held in honor of Ole Maaloeby Schaechter, Moselio, Neidhardt, Frederick C., Ingraham, John L., Kjeldgaard, Niels Ole, Freifelder, David, University of Alabama, Maaloe Symposium Apr. 1984
Published c198Texto bibliotecaUBA FA -
5by Ingraham, John L. 4230, Ingraham, Catherine A., author. 4232, Prentiss, Harriett, developmental editor. 4233, Nieto, Joaquín J., trad. 4234, Quesada, Emilia, trad. 4235, Ventosa, Antonio, trad. 4236
Published 1998Texto bibliotecaCOLPOS