5bachelorThesis bibliotecaUNC AR
6Analysis of global and local geoid models in the area of El Shincal de Quimivil (Londres, Catamarca)Digital revistaLILLO AR
7by Martín-Gómez,Adoración, Palacios-Gómez,Maria Eugenia, García-Marcos,Sergio Antonio
Published 2015Digital revistaSCIELO -
9by Dussi, María Claudia, Barrionuevo, Myriam Elisabeth, Gómez, María Eugenia, Flores, Liliana Beatriz, Zon, Karina Daniela
Published 2022-12info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia bibliotecaINTA AR -
11Toward food sovereignty transformative agroecology and participatory action research with coffee smallholder cooperatives in Mexico and Nicaragua Toward food sovereignty transformative agroecology and participatory action research with coffee smallholder cooperatives in Mexico and Nicaraguaby Guzmán Luna, Alejandra Doctora autora 21734, Bacon, Christopher M. autor, Méndez, V. Ernesto autor, Flores Gómez, María Eugenia autora, Anderzén, Janica autora, Mier y Terán Giménez Cacho, Mateo Doctor autor 13299, Hernández Jonapá, Rigoberto autor, Rivas, Misael autor, Duarte Canales, Henry Alberto autor, Benavides González, Álvaro Nicolás autorTexto bibliotecaECOSUR