2Cascading effects of birds and bats in a shaded coffee agroforestry system Cascading effects of birds and bats in a shaded coffee agroforestry systemby Schmitt, Lauren autora, Greenberg, Russell autor, Ibarra Núñez, Guillermo Doctor autor 2088, Bichier, Peter autor, Gordon, Caleb E. autor, Perfecto, Ivette Doctora autora 22535Texto bibliotecaECOSUR
3Simplification of a coffee foliage-dwelling beetle community under low-shade management Simplification of a coffee foliage-dwelling beetle community under low-shade managementby Gordon, Caleb E., McGill, Brian J. autor/a, Ibarra Núñez, Guillermo Doctor autor/a 2088, Greenberg, Russell autor/a, Perfecto, Ivette Doctora autor/a 22535Texto bibliotecaECOSUR