Food and Agriculture Organization
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security. Its Latin motto, , translates to "let there be bread". It was founded on 16 October 1945.The FAO comprises 195 members, including 194 countries and the European Union. Its headquarters is in Rome, Italy, and it maintains regional and field offices worldwide, operating in over 130 countries. It helps governments and development agencies coordinate their activities to improve and develop agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and land and water resources. It also conducts research, provides technical assistance to projects, operates educational and training programs, and collects agricultural output, production, and development data.
The FAO is governed by a biennial conference representing each member country and the European Union, which elects a 49-member executive council. The director-general, as of 2019 Qu Dongyu of China, serves as the chief administrative officer. Various committees govern matters such as finance, programs, agriculture, and fisheries. Provided by Wikipedia
2Integrated planning for sustainable management of land resources basic documents, case studies, working papers, workshop proceedings and other related publications Disco compacto Integrated planning for sustainable management of land resources basic documents, case studies, working papers, workshop proceedings and other related publications Disco compactoby Food and Agriculture Organization
Published c199collectionsound recording bibliotecaECOSUR -
5Texto bibliotecaUAAAN MX
8by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Published 1954Texto bibliotecaCOLPOS -
13Cost control in forest harvesting and road construction Cost control in forest harvesting and road constructionby Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Published 1992Texto bibliotecaUNAM -
15by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Published 2014Reports and Books bibliotecaONU -
16by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Published 1977Reports and Books bibliotecaONU -
17by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Published 2002Meeting reports and proceedings bibliotecaONU -
18by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Published 1981Reports and Books bibliotecaONU -
19by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Published 1979Reports and Books bibliotecaONU -