Jacques Chonchol
Jacques Chonchol (26 March 1926 – 5 October 2023) was a Chilean politician and professor known for his work in the land reform movement during the 1960s and early 1970s. Chonchol served from 1970 to 1972 as Minister of Agriculture in the government of President Salvador Allende. He took refuge in a foreign embassy during the coup and was allowed to leave Chile for Venezuela. He then moved to France, but returned to Chile in 1994. He was director of the Institute for Advanced Latin American Studies, in Paris, between 1982 and 1993. Provided by Wikipedia
7article bibliotecaUNESCO
8article bibliotecaUNESCO
9article bibliotecaUNESCO
10book bibliotecaUNESCO
13Monografía bibliotecaODEPA
14Monografía bibliotecaODEPA
15by Korten, David, Larraín, Sara, Gallopín, Gilberto, Godoy, Oscar, Chonchol, Jacques, Elizalde, Antonio, Mander, Jerry, Sachs, Wolfgang
Published Septiembre 2002Monografía bibliotecaODEPA -
16by Korten, David, Larraín, Sara, Gallopín, Gilberto, Godoy, Oscar, Chonchol, Jacques, Elizalde, Antonio, Mander, Jerry, Sachs, Wolfgang
Published Septiembre 2002Monografía bibliotecaODEPA -
17by Korten, David, Larraín, Sara, Gallopín, Gilberto, Godoy, Oscar, Chonchol, Jacques, Elizalde, Antonio, Mander, Jerry, Sachs, Wolfgang
Published Septiembre 2002Monografía bibliotecaODEPA -
18by Véliz, Claudio, 1930- (Véliz Soza, Claudio) comp. 10378, Chonchol, Jacques, 1926- (Chonchol Chait, Jacques) 2199, Fals Borda, Orlando 10379, Furtado, Celso, 1920-2004 (Celso Monteiro Furtado) 10380, Gonzálo Navarro, Moisés 10381, Herrera, Felipe, 1922-1996 (Herrera Lane, Felipe) 4239, Jaguaribe, Helio 10382
Published 1969Texto bibliotecaUNCO AR -
19by Véliz, Claudio, 1930- (Véliz Soza, Claudio) comp. 10378, Chonchol, Jacques, 1926- (Chonchol Chait, Jacques) 2199, Sunkel, Osvaldo, 1929- 8580, Pinto, Aníbal, 36869 1919-1996 (Pinto Santa Cruz, Domingo Aníbal), Di Tella, Torcuato S., 1929-2016 (Di Tella, Torcuato Salvador Francisco Nicolás) 341, Urquidi, Víctor L., 7373 1919-2004 (Urquidi Bingham, Víctor Luis)
Published 1969Texto bibliotecaUNCO AR -
20by Basso, Lelio 43915, Glauser, Kalki 43916, Rossanda, Rossana, 1924-2020 7332, Harnecker, Marta, 1937-2019 21242, Viera-Gallo, José Antonio 43917, Vuskovic, Pedro 21195, Sweezy, Paul, 1910-2004 (Sweezy, Paul Marlor) 43918, Martinez, Alberto 43919, Gutelman, Michel 43920, Marini, Ruy Mauro 4905, Chonchol, Jacques, 1926- (Chonchol Chait, Jacques) 2199, Hinkelammert, Franz 30306, Santos, Theotonio dos 43333
Published 1972Texto bibliotecaUNCO AR