10by FAO; Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI);
Published 2022Presentation bibliotecaFAO IT -
11by FAO; Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI);
Published 2022Presentation bibliotecaFAO IT -
12by FAO; Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI);
Published 2022Presentation bibliotecaFAO IT -
14by United Nations Environment Programme, Caribbean Environment Programme, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI)
Published 2020Reports, Books and Booklets bibliotecaONU -
15Strengthening Institutional Arrangements in Trinidad and Tobago to Facilitate Climate Change Adaptation Policy Formulation and Execution Strengthening Institutional Arrangements in Trinidad and Tobago to Facilitate Climate Change Adaptation Policy Formulation and Executionby Andrews, Melanie author, Phillips, Terrence author, Leotaud, Nicole, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) author organization 352090
Published 2014Texto bibliotecaIICA -
16Strengthening Institutional Arrangements in Trinidad and Tobago to Facilitate Climate Change Adaptation Policy Formulation Strengthening Institutional Arrangements in Trinidad and Tobago to Facilitate Climate Change Adaptation Policy Formulationby Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) author 2014, Leotaud, Nicole author, Phillips, Terrence author, Andrews, Melanie K. author
Published 2014Texto bibliotecaIICA -
17Enhancing Caribbean Civil Society’s Access and Readiness for Climate Finance : Scoping Report Enhancing Caribbean Civil Society’s Access and Readiness for Climate Finance : Scoping Reportby Crawford, A author, Fuller, F., author 1, Granderson, A author, Ledwell, C author, Leotaud, N, Pham, R author, Vyas, R author, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) author organization 352090
Published 2021Texto bibliotecaIICA -
18The National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Saint Christopher and Nevis The National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Saint Christopher and Nevisby 352087 Granderson, Ainka author, 352088 Boodram, Natalie author, 352089 Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) Project of Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Land Management (iLand Resilience-Promotinf a Chimate of Change) author, 20855 Unión Europea (UE) collaborator entity, 352090 Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) collaborator entity
Published 2018Texto bibliotecaIICA