Caribbean Community
The Caribbean Community (abbreviated as CARICOM or CC) is an intergovernmental organisation that is a political and economic union of 15 member states (14 nation-states and one dependency) and five associated members throughout the Americas, The Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean. It has the primary objective to promote economic integration and cooperation among its members, ensure that the benefits of integration are equitably shared, and coordinate foreign policy. The organisation was established in 1973, by its four founding members signing the Treaty of Chaguaramas.The secretariat headquarters is in Georgetown, Guyana. CARICOM has been granted the official United Nations General Assembly observer status. Provided by Wikipedia
7Reports and Books bibliotecaONU
10Delivering Transformational Change 2011-21 -- Implementing the CARICOM Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilience to Climate Change Delivering Transformational Change 2011-21 -- Implementing the CARICOM Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilience to Climate Changeby Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre author 2011
Published 2011Texto bibliotecaIICA -
11Manuals, Guides and Toolkits bibliotecaONU
13Climate Change and the Caribbean, A Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change (2009-2015) Climate Change and the Caribbean, A Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change (2009-2015)by Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) author 2009
Published 2009Texto bibliotecaIICA -
16by 50490 Bourne, Compton, 460 Caribbean Community Secretariat, 462 Commonwealth Secretariat
Published 1988Texto bibliotecaIICA -
17by Regional Workshop on Education Indicators in the Caribbean, Georgetown, 1995, Caribbean Community Secretariatprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
19by United Nations Environment Programme, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, Global Environment Facility
Published 2020Manuals, Guides and Toolkits bibliotecaONU -
20Caribbean Community Programme for Agricultural Development. v.1: Regional action plan Caribbean Community Programme for Agricultural Development. v.1: Regional action planby 63762 Durrant, N. ed., 3799 Caribbean Community and Common Market, Georgetown (Guyana). Secretariat
Published 1989bibliotecaIICA