3article bibliotecaUNESCO
5article bibliotecaUNESCO
6article bibliotecaUNESCO
7article bibliotecaUNESCO
11programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
12programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
13programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
14by UNESCO Office Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Kong Vireak, Preap Chanmarabook bibliotecaUNESCO
15by UNESCO Office Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Kong Vireak, Preap Chanmarabook bibliotecaUNESCO
16by National Seminar on the Preservation of Urban Heritage in Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 2006, UNESCO Office Phnom Penh, Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO, Cambodia. Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Cambodia. Municipality of Phnom Penhprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
17by National Seminar on the Preservation of Urban Heritage in Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 2006, UNESCO Office Phnom Penh, Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO, Cambodia. Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Cambodia. Municipality of Phnom Penhprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO