1by Conferencia Internacional sobre Palma de Aceite: Nuevas oportunidades para un posicionamiento estratégico del aceite de palma en el mercado mundial XV Septiembre 19-22, 2006 : Cartagena, Colombia : 39647., Amblard, Philippe 41533., Bakoumé, Claude 38627., Billotte, Norbert 41534., Kushairi, Ahmad 41535., Rajanaidu, Nookiah 41536., Wickneswari, Ratnam 41537.
Published ©200Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
2by International Palm Oil Congress, PIPOC 2003. Palm Oil: the Power-house for the Global Oils Fats Economy 24-28 August : Putrajaya, Malasia. Agriculture Conference : 49487., Becker, Dieter 46615., Billotte, Norbert 41534., Cheah, Suan Choo 44558., Herran, Ana 46609., Ritter, engrique 46617., Rodríguez, Judith 46611., Rohde, Wolfgang 46619., Singh, Rajinder 46378., Sniday, Volker 46613.
Published 2003Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
3by International Palm Oil Congress, PIPOC 2003. Palm Oil: the Power-house for the Global Oils Fats Economy 24-28 August : Putrajaya, Malasia. Agriculture Conference : 49487., Becker, Dieter 46615., Billotte, Norbert 41534., Cheah, Suan Choo 44558., Herran, Ana 46609., Ritter, engrique 46617., Rodríguez, Judith 46611., Rohde, Wolfgang 46619., Singh, Rajinder 46378., Sniday, Volker 46613.Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA
4by International Palm Oil Congress, PIPOC 2003. Palm Oil: the Power-house for the Global Oils Fats Economy 24-28 August : Putrajaya, Malasia. Agriculture Conference : 49487., Becker, Dieter 46615., Billotte, Norbert 41534., Cheah, Suan-Choo 44558., Herrmán, Ana 46616., Ritter, engrique 46617., Rodríguez, M.J.B. 46618., Rohde, Wolfgang 46619., Sing, Rajinder 46655., Sniady, V. 46621.
Published 2003Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
5by International Palm Oil Congress, PIPOC 2003. Palm Oil: the Power-house for the Global Oils Fats Economy 24-28 August : Putrajaya, Malasia. Agriculture Conference : 49487., Becker, Dieter 46615., Billotte, Norbert 41534., Cheah, Suan-Choo 44558., Herrmán, Ana 46616., Ritter, engrique 46617., Rodríguez, M.J.B. 46618., Rohde, Wolfgang 46619., Sing, Rajinder 46655., Sniady, V. 46621.Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA