1by Menge, Daniel M, Musila, Ruth N, Kagito, Sammy, Bii, Lourine, Gichuki, James, Gichuhi, Emily, Kundu, Caroline A., Murori, Rosemary, Ismail, Abdelbagi, Panchbhai, Ajay
Published 2024-12-19T12:53:03ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
2CIMMYT Eastern Africa Maize Regional On-Station (Stage 4) and On-Farm (Stage 5) Trials: Results of the 2022 to 2023 Seasons and Product Announcement CIMMYT Eastern Africa Maize Regional On-Station (Stage 4) and On-Farm (Stage 5) Trials: Results of the 2022 to 2023 Seasons and Product Announcementby Tadesse Ertiro, Berhanu, Beyene, Yoseph, Makumbi, Dan, Teklewold, Adefris, Chivasa, Walter, Suresh, L.M., Gowda, Manje, Anani, Bruce, Chaikam, Vijay, Bii, Lourine, Migwi, Gabriel, Chavangi, Andrew, Aleri, Isaiah, Negera, Demewoz, Dufera Tulu, Gedefa, Kurgat, Kiplagat, Kavai, Hilda, Muindi, Paula, Burgueño, Juan, Das, Aparna, Davis, Nicholas, Prasanna, B.M.
Published 2024Phenotypic data bibliotecaCIMMYT