4book part bibliotecaUNESCO
5book part bibliotecaUNESCO
7article bibliotecaUNESCO
8article bibliotecaUNESCO
9article bibliotecaUNESCO
10article bibliotecaUNESCO
11article bibliotecaUNESCO
12article bibliotecaUNESCO
13article bibliotecaUNESCO
14book part bibliotecaUNESCO
15book part bibliotecaUNESCO
16book part bibliotecaUNESCO
17by Training Course in the Field of Copyright for the Nationals of Arab Countries, Hammamet, Tunisia, 1985, Corral Beltrán, Milagros delprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
18by Training Course in the Field of Copyright for the Nationals of Arab Countries, Hammamet, Tunisia, 1985, Corral Beltrán, Milagros delprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
19by Training Course in the Field of Copyright for the Nationals of Arab Countries, Hammamet, Tunisia, 1985, Corral Beltrán, Milagros delprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
20by Training Course on Copyright for Nationals from the Countries of Asia and the Pacific, Seoul and Bangkok, 1987, Corral Beltrán, Milagros delprogramme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO