4Handbook of the Amaryllidaceae including the Alstroemeriaceae and agave / Handbook of the Amaryllidaceae including the Alstroemeriaceae and agave /by Baker, J. G.
Published 1888Texto bibliotecaCOLPOS -
6Texto bibliotecaUAAAN MX
9Journal Article bibliotecaCGIAR
10Artículo de revista bibliotecaINFOR CL
11Texto bibliotecaECOSUR
13Journal Article bibliotecaCGIAR
14by Baker, J., Bartlett, R., Jeuland, M., Lacombe, Guillaume, Douangsavanh, Somphasith
Published 2013Conference Paper bibliotecaCGIAR -
15by Bartlett, R., Baker, J., Lacombe, Guillaume, Douangsavanh, Somphasith, Jeuland, M.
Published 2012Working Paper bibliotecaCGIAR -
16Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
17Monografía bibliotecaODEPA
18Monografía bibliotecaODEPA
19Texto bibliotecaCOLPOS
20Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the Pelczynski Conference Held at Kent State University, July 12–16, 1976 / Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the Pelczynski Conference Held at Kent State University, July 12–16, 1976 /by Baker, J. editor., Cleaver, C. editor., Diestel, J. editor., SpringerLink (Online service)
Published 1977Texto bibliotecaCOLPOS