1by International Palm Oil Congress, PIPOC 2003. Palm Oil: the Power-house for the Global Oils Fats Economy 24-28 August : Putrajaya, Malasia. (Food Technology and Nutrition Conference) 46760, Abdul Rahman, R. 54689, Miskandar, M.s. 49766, Mohd Suria, A.Y. 50952, Yaakob, T.C.M. 54690Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA
2by International Palm Oil Congress, PIPOC 2003. Palm Oil: the Power-house for the Global Oils Fats Economy 24-28 August : Putrajaya, Malasia. (Food Technology and Nutrition Conference) 46760, Abdul Rahman, R. 54689, Miskandar, M.s. 49766, Mohd Suria, A.Y. 50952, Yaakob, T.C.M. 54690Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA