3by National Seminar on Opportunities for maximizing production through better OER and offshore investment in oil palm. Proceedings 46112., Jalani, B.Sukaimi 38733., Khalid, Haron 42946., Mohd Jafar, Ahmad 46068., Mohd Tayeb, D. 45290., Suboh, Ismail 41294., Zin Zawawi, Z. 46069.
Published 1999Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
4by National Seminar on Opportunities for maximizing production through better OER and offshore investment in oil palm. Proceedings 46112., Jalani, B.Sukaimi 38733., Khalid, Haron 42946., Mohd Jafar, Ahmad 46068., Mohd Tayeb, D. 45290., Suboh, Ismail 41294., Zin Zawawi, Z. 46069.Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA