1Improving sterile male performance in support of programmes integrating the sterile insect technique against fruit flies Improving sterile male performance in support of programmes integrating the sterile insect technique against fruit fliesby Pereira, R. autor, Yuval, B. autor, Liedo Fernández, Pablo Doctor autor 67, Teal, P. E. A. autor, Shelly, Todd E. autor, McInnes, Donald O. autor, Hendrichs, Jorge H. autorTexto bibliotecaECOSUR
2Improving post-factory performance of sterile male fruit flies in support of the sterile insect technique Improving post-factory performance of sterile male fruit flies in support of the sterile insect techniqueby Pereira, R. autor, Yuval, B. autor, Liedo Fernández, Pablo Doctor autor 67, Teal, P. E. A. autor, Shelly, Todd E. autor, McInnes, Donald O. autor, Hendrichs, Jorge H. autorTexto bibliotecaECOSUR