1by Thomas, D.N., Fogg, G.E., Convey, Peter, Fritsen, C.H., Gili, Josep Maria, Gradinger, Rolf, Laybourn-Parry, Johanna, Reid, K., Walton, D.W.H.
Published 2008libro bibliotecaICM ES -
2Opportunities for Antarctic environmental education and training; proceedings Opportunities for Antarctic environmental education and training; proceedingsby 62739 Dingwall, P.R., 130475 Walton, D.W.H. eds., 13013 IUCN, Gland (Suiza), SCAR/IUCN Workshop on Environmental Educational and Training Gorizia (Italia) 26-29 Abr 1993
Published 1996bibliotecaIICA -
3Developing the Antarctic protected area system; proceedings Developing the Antarctic protected area system; proceedingsby 119897 Smith, R.I.L., 130474 Walton, D.W.H., 62740 Dingwall, P.R. eds., 13013 IUCN, Gland (Suiza), 37081 SCAR/IUCN Workshop on Antarctic Protected Areas Cambridge (RU) 29 Jun - 2 Jul 1992
Published 1994bibliotecaIICA