2Doctoral thesis bibliotecaWUR NL
3Doctoral thesis bibliotecaWUR NL
4Doctoral thesis bibliotecaWUR NL
5Doctoral thesis bibliotecaWUR NL
6Doctoral thesis bibliotecaWUR NL
7Report bibliotecaUNESCO
8Working Paper bibliotecaUNESCO
9Working Paper bibliotecaUNESCO
10Drivers of Climate Sensitive Farm Level Adjustments: Climate Change, Economic and Technical Factors, and Resource Availability Drivers of Climate Sensitive Farm Level Adjustments: Climate Change, Economic and Technical Factors, and Resource Availabilityby 352996 Tessema, Yibekal author
Published 2018Texto bibliotecaIICA -
11info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis bibliotecaUEARTH CR
12Article bibliotecaCIMMYT
13Conference Paper bibliotecaCGIAR
14Conference Paper bibliotecaCGIAR
15Conference Paper bibliotecaCGIAR
16Research Report bibliotecaCIMMYT
18monograph bibliotecaCIRAD FR
19monograph bibliotecaCIRAD FR
20Conference Paper bibliotecaCGIAR