2Book Chapter bibliotecaCGIAR
3Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
4Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
5by van der Haar, S., Gallagher, E., Schoneveld, G., Slingerland, M., Leeuwis, C.
Published 2023-12-19T03:07:07ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
6by Kihoro, Esther, Vernooij, V., Schoneveld, G.C., Crane, Todd A., Vellema, S.
Published 2024-09-11T09:26:00ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
7by Vernooij, Vera, Schoneveld, G.C., Vellema, Sietze, Crane, Todd A., Kihoro, Esther
Published 2024-09-11T09:26:00ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
9Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
10by Brady, M.A., Louman, B., Wardell, D.A., Gallagher, E., Lescuyer, G., Pacheco, P., Piketty, M-G., Schoneveld, G.C.
Published 2021-12-07Book bibliotecaCGIAR -
11by Kambugu, R.K., Banana, A.Y., Byakagaba, P., Bosse, C., Ihalainen, Markus, Mukasa, C., Schoneveld, G.C., Zziwa, A., Cerutti, P.O.
Published 2023-12-13T04:23:38ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
12by Hawkins, J.W., Komarek, A.M., Kihoro, Esther, Nicholson, C.F., Omore, Amos O., Yesuf, G.U., Ericksen, Polly J., Schoneveld, G.R., Rufino, Mariana C.
Published 2022-12-06T16:34:26ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
13by Hawkins, J.W., Komarek, A.M., Kihoro, E.M., Nicholson, C.F., Omore, A.O., Yesuf, G.U., Ericksen, P.J., Schoneveld, G.C., Rufino, M.C.
Published 2022-11-16Journal Article bibliotecaCGIAR -
14by Hajjar, R., Newton, P., Ihalainen, M., Agrawal, A., Gabay, M., Alix-Garcia, J., Brown, S.E., Erbaugh, J.T., Hughes, K., Mawutor, S., Pacheco, P., Schoneveld, G.C., Song, C., Timko, J.
Published 2020-10-15Book Chapter bibliotecaCGIAR