1Journal Contribution bibliotecaUNESCO
2article bibliotecaUNESCO
3Journal Contribution bibliotecaUNESCO
4Journal Contribution bibliotecaUNESCO
5A new record of the puffer fish Takifugu oblongus (Bloch, 1786) from the northern Persian Gulf, Iranarticle bibliotecaUNESCO
6A new record of the puffer fish Takifugu oblongus (Bloch, 1786) from the northern Persian Gulf, IranJournal Contribution bibliotecaUNESCO
7monograph bibliotecaUNESCO
8article bibliotecaUNESCO
9Journal Contribution bibliotecaUNESCO
10Report bibliotecaUNESCO
11monograph bibliotecaUNESCO
12Journal Contribution bibliotecaUNESCO
13Report bibliotecaUNESCO
14Journal Contribution bibliotecaUNESCO
15by Roohi, Abolghasem, Naderi, M., Vahedi, F., Qasemi, S., Afraei, M.A., Bagheri, S., Rostamiya, M.T.
Published 2003Report bibliotecaUNESCO -
16article bibliotecaUNESCO
17Journal Contribution bibliotecaUNESCO
18by Nasrollahzadeh Saravi, Hassan, Farabi, S.M.V., Porgholam, R., Porang, N., Najafpoor, Sh., Naderi, M., Yosefian, M.
Published 2013monograph bibliotecaUNESCO -
19by Roshan tabari, Mojgan, Siganova, T., Rezaei, M., Vahedi, F., Roohi, A., Fazli, H., Naderi, M., Nasrollah Tabar, A.
Published 2007monograph bibliotecaUNESCO -
20by Nasrollahzadeh Saravi, Hassan, Farabi, S.M.V., Porgholam, R., Porang, N., Najafpoor, Sh., Naderi, M., Yosefian, M.
Published 2013Report bibliotecaUNESCO