5by PORIM International Palm Oil Conference. Progress, Prospects Challenges Towards the 21st Century.(Agriculture) September 9-14 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : 45482., Ahmad Tarmizi, Mohammed 42202., Foster, H.L. 44591., Hamdan, Abu Bakar 42477., Khalid, Haron 42946., Mohd Tayeb, Dolmant 45595., Zakaria, Zin Z. 42405.
Published 1993Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
6by PORIM International Palm Oil Conference. Progress, Prospects Challenges Towards the 21st Century.(Agriculture) September 9-14 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : 45482., Ahmad Tarmizi, Mohammed 42202., Foster, H.L. 44591., Hamdan, Abu Bakar 42477., Khalid, Haron 42946., Mohd Tayeb, Dolmant 45595., Zakaria, Zin Z. 42405.Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA