1book part bibliotecaUNESCO
2Pendant ce temps dans la mère patrie: le Bureau régional de science et de technologie pour l'Afriquebook part bibliotecaUNESCO
4book bibliotecaUNESCO
5by United Nations Development Programme, Crunden, Edward W., Maybury, Robert H., Quirolgico, Delfin G.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
6by Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, 12th session, Udaipur, India, 1964, Maybury, Robert H.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
7by Commonwealth Conference on the Teaching of Science in Schools, Colombo, 1963, Ganeff, R.E., Bandyophadyay, P.C., Maybury, Robert H.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
8by Symposium on International Chemical Education Activities, Philadelphia, USA, 1964, American Chemical Society, Maybury, Robert H., Bandyopadhyay, P.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO
9by ECOSOC. Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development, 2nd, New York, 1964, Baez, Albert V., Maybury, Robert H.programme and meeting document bibliotecaUNESCO