1Introduction to industrial minerals Libro electrónico Introduction to industrial minerals Libro electrónicoby Manning, D. A. C. autor/a
Published c199Texto bibliotecaECOSUR -
3by Christensen, M., Hahn, K., Mountford, E.P., Wijdeven, S.M.J., Manning, D.B., Standovar, T., Odor, P., Rozenbergar, D.External research report bibliotecaWUR NL
4by Myrgiotis, V., Slevin, D., Vetter, S.H., Aitkenhead, M., Dondini, M., Eory, V., Goglio, P., Harris, J., Hillier, J., House, J., Lefebrve, D., MacLeod, M., Manning, D., Medina-Carmona, C., Mohamed-Yunus, S., Moran, D., Payen, F., Rees, B., Sohi, S., Sykes, A., Williams, M., Williams, A., Wollenberg, L., Smith, P.Dataset bibliotecaWUR NL
5by van der Merwe,L J, van Zyl,G J, St Clair Gibson,A, Viljoen,M, Iputo,J E, Mammen,M, Chitha,W, Perez,A M, Hartman,N, Fonn,S, Green-Thompson,L, Ayo-Ysuf,O A, Botha,G C, Manning,D, Botha,S J, Hift,R, Retief,P, van Heerden,B B, Volmink,J
Published 2016Digital revistaSCIELO