1Sampling methods and taxon analysis in vegetation science relevé surveys, vegetationsaufnahmen, floristic analysis of plant communities Sampling methods and taxon analysis in vegetation science relevé surveys, vegetationsaufnahmen, floristic analysis of plant communitiesby Knapp, R.
Published c198Texto bibliotecaUBA FA -
2Handbook of vegetation science Part VIII: Vegetation dynamics Handbook of vegetation science Part VIII: Vegetation dynamicssoftware, multimedia bibliotecaUNAM
3Manual bibliotecaCGIAR
4by Oyana, TJ, Couillaud, P, Leclerc, Gregoire, Knapp, R., Bell, William C.
Published 2016-02-29T17:15:35ZbibliotecaCGIAR -
5Book bibliotecaCGIAR
6by Leclerc, Gregoire, Ravnborg, Helle Munk, Nelson, A., Barbier, Bruno, Couillaud, P, Oyana, TJ, Knapp, R., Ashby, Jacqueline A.
Published 2016-02-29T17:14:29ZbibliotecaCGIAR