1Beyond species counts for assessing, valuing, and conserving biodiversity response to Wallach et al. 2019 Beyond species counts for assessing, valuing, and conserving biodiversity response to Wallach et al. 2019by Meyer, Ninon France Victoire Doctora autora 15092, Balkenhol, Niko autor, Dutta, Trishna autora, Hofman, Maarten autor, Meyer, Jean Yves autor, Ritchie, Euan G. autor, Alley, Charlotte autora, Beranek, Chad autor, Bugir, Cassandra K. autora, Callen, Alex autor, Clulow, Simon autor, Cove, Michael V. autor 14471, Klop Toker, Kaya autora, Lopez, Omar R. autor, Mahony, Michael autor, Scanlon, Robert autor, Sharma, Sandeep autor, Shute, Elen autora, Upton, Rose autora, Guilbault, Emy autora, Griffin, Andrea S. autora, Hernández Pérez, Edwin Luis Oswaldo Maestro autor 13281, Howell, Lachlan G. autor, King, John Paul autor, Lenga, Dean autor, O Donoghue, Patrick autor, Hayward, Matt W. autorTexto bibliotecaECOSUR
2Intergenerational inequity stealing the joy and benefits of nature from Our children Intergenerational inequity stealing the joy and benefits of nature from Our childrenby Hayward, Matt W. autor, Meyer, Ninon France Victoire Doctora autora 15092, Balkenhol, Niko autor, Beranek, Chad T. autor/a, Bugir, Cassandra K. autora, Bushell, Kathleen V. autora, Callen, Alex autor/a, Dickman, Amy J. autora, Griffin, Andrea S. autora, Haswell, Peter M. autor, Howell, Lachlan G. autor/a, Jordan, Christopher A. autor 14474, Klop Toker, Kaya autora, Moll, Remington J. autor, Montgomery, Robert A. autor, Mudumba, Tutilo autor, Osipova, Liudmila autor/a, Périquet, Stéphanie autora, Reyna Hurtado, Rafael Ángel Doctor autor 10474, Ripple, William J. autor, Sales, Lilian P. autora, Weise, Florian J. autor/a, Witt, Ryan R. autor/a, Lindsey, Peter A. autorTexto bibliotecaECOSUR